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This one is for the mothers!

Today is September 6, 2014. But I’m sure you already knew that, right? Well I bet you might not know what random holiday it is!

Happy Lazy Mom’s Day! This one is for all the mothers out there, the hard workers of the world! I know first hand what it is like to be a hard working mother. I am lucky enough to be a SAHM, but I still attend college and look after our baby girl while my wonderful husband works. Even so, stay-at-home life is no piece of pie. There is no rest for the weary whether you work full/part-time, attend school, stay at home, or a combination of them.

Keep up the amazing work you do! Take this day to relax. Have your kids make you breakfast in bed! Lounge around and read a book or watch a good movie. Maybe drop off the kids to grandmas for the day. Order some take out and have it delivered for dinner so you can have the night off from cooking. Most of all, be just slightly selfish. You work very hard the other 364 days of the year. Take this day for yourself! You deserve it, mama!

What is your ideal relaxation activity? How did you end up spending the day?

Until next time…

~ Kristen